Advokids Fights to Repeal L.A. Local Rule Limiting Caregiver’s Right to Appear at Court
Advokids and attorneys Deborah Dentler and Robert Jacobs met with former presiding Judge Levanas over several months in 2018 and successfully challenged the language of L.A Local Court Rule 7.13 which failed to meet state and federal requirements.
Adopted in 2011, Los Angeles Local Rule of Court 7.13 unlawfully limited the rights of caregivers to appear at juvenile court hearings, stating:
A caretaker of a child that is the subject of a dependency proceeding is entitled to notice of proceeding. While a caretaker does not automatically have the right to appear, the court may permit a caretaker to be present at a hearing if the caretaker has a direct and legitimate interest in the case.
California Welfare & Institutions Code section 293(f) requires foster and relative caregivers to be given notice of review hearings and be allowed to attend or submit any information he or she deems relevant to the court in writing.
Federal Law 42 United States Code section 675(5)(G) requires foster and relative caregivers to be given notice of hearings and afforded the right to be heard.