Use Social Media to Protect California Children from Child Abuse & Neglect

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  1. Right click on the image and save to your computer.  Go to your social media (FB, Twitter) and upload the image to your post or tweet.
  2. Highlight and copy the text above each image to paste it into the text area of your social media account.

Thank you for helping us help children!


April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Learn the legal tools 2 protect children #fostercare #NCAPM2017

Is someone hurting a child & no one is listening? Protect children from slipping thru the cracks #endabuse 

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Learn the legal tools 2 protect children #fostercare #NCAPM2017

Is someone hurting a child & no one is listening? Protect children from slipping thru the cracks #endabuse 

¿Alguien le está haciendo daño a un niño y nadie lo escucha? Campaña De Advokids De Protección A Los Niños Y Niñas De California /  #NCAPM2017 #AbusoInfantil #NoteCalles #fostercare

¿Alguien le está haciendo daño a un niño y nadie lo escucha? Campaña De Advokids De Protección A Los Niños Y Niñas De California /  #NCAPM2017 #AbusoInfantil #NoteCalles #fostercare


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5643 Paradise Drive, Suite 12B, Corte Madera, CA 94925  •  415.924.0587

11833 Mississippi Ave. 1st floor, Los Angeles, CA 90025


Copyright 2021 All Rights Reserved | Advokids:  A Legal Resource for California Foster Children and Their Advocates